House Teams

What are House Teams?

At East Para Primary School, all of our students are a member of one of the four House Teams. These House Teams have played an important part in the history of East Para Primary School.

Students are able to support their House Team throughout the year in a variety of ways. Students are able to earn points for their team by receiving positive play awards at recess and lunch, earning house points during class time, earning points for their team on Sports Day and receiving Values awards.

At East Para Primary School we have four perpetual trophies that each House Team strives to have their name engraved on by the end of each year. We have;

  • The House Points Trophy for the house team scoring the most house points during class time.
  • The Positive Play Trophy for the house team earning the most positive play awards during recess and lunch times.
  • The Sports Day Tabloid Trophy for the house team receiving the most points during the Tabloid events on Sports Day. (Years 3-6)
  • The Sports Day Athletic Competition for the house team scoring the most points during the Champion Sprints and Relays.

For each house team we have leaders as voted by students and staff.  The School Captains support all their team members to do their best in all aspects of school at East Para.  They role model the school’s RITCHR Values and take on a range of responsibilities throughout the year.  For further information see “School Captain”.

How you become a member of a House Team?

To become a member of a house team is quite simple.  If you have older brothers or sisters at the school already, then you will be placed in the same house team as them.  If you are new to East Para Primary School, then you will be placed in a House Team once you have enrolled.  We aim for a balance of numbers in each house, across the school.  This means that some classes will have more or less of one colour.