Student Attendance/Late/Early Pick up

The Education and Children’s Services Act 2019 and the Regulations impose statutory responsibilities in relation to attendance at school.

The Education and Children’s Services Act 2019 requires that children must be enrolled in a school or approved learning program from the age of 6 years until they turn 17 years of age.

Parents have a responsibility under the Education and Children’s Services Act 2019 to ensure their children attend school regularly. If a child or young person does not attend, without a ‘prescribed reason’ for their non-attendance or an approved exemption, their parents may be guilty of an offence.


It is expected that whenever your child is absent you will notify the school either by phone/email on the day or by a note and/or medical certificate on the child’s return to school.  If possible this note / certificate should be sent to the class teacher and/or Front Office.

If a child is frequently absent, the school is required to advise School Attendance Officers.

It is an expectation that all students arrive in the classroom by 8:50am for an 8:55am lesson.

If a pattern of frequently being late is observed, the school is required to advise Attendance Officers.  This is a Social Justice issue enabling all children to access the curriculum.

Family Holidays during term time:

Students away from school for 3 days or more, during term time, must have lodged an application for exemption from school attendance with the Principal.  Forms available from class teacher or the Front Office.

Late Arrival

Any children arriving after 8:55am need to log in at the Front Office and take their Late Slip to their Classroom Teacher.

Early Pick Up

If you wish to collect your child(ren) early from school, you need to go to the front office before you collect your child and electronically record your pick up time and reason.  A slip will be printed which must be taken to the teacher confirming that you have logged your child out with the correct procedure and that they are to let the student accompany you.  This assures the safety of all students.